135 Sqm Small House Design 9×15 M 2Storey

Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakaatuh – Indeed, in carrying out the construction of the two floors there are several different treatments when viewed from the contours of the land and the plots of land in the field, whether it is in the mountains or in parts close to swamps which make the land very easy to collapse or on land that is indeed stable. and there tends to be no movement of the earth’s plates, so apart from discussing this here, we also try to 135 Sqm House Design 9×15 Meter Minimalist so you don’t get bored and bored.

Desain rumah 9x15 Meter 2Lantai
Source Instagram @noman_desainrumah

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135 Sqm House Design and Floor Plan 9×15 Meter 2Storey & 4 Bedrooms

Desain rumah 9x15 Meter 2Lantai
Source Instagram @noman_desainrumah

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135 Sqm House Plan 9×15 Meter very very influential on the process of carrying out the construction, because the construction carried out by the builders must be based on the sketch plan, they do not care whether the sketch is made by the architect or not, what is certain is that they will carry out the development according to the plan provided by the owner.

Desain rumah 9x15 Meter 2Lantai
Source Instagram @noman_desainrumah

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However, not only architects or civil engineers can make a floor plan sketch, but you can make it yourself because it’s very easy, you just have to make a grid of boxes and then give details of the area and also the name of the room in each block of boxes.

135 Sqm Home Design 9×15 Meters

Desain rumah 9x15 Meter 2Lantai
Source Instagram @noman_desainrumah

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135 Sqm Home Design 9×15 Meter this also affects the foundation structure, if we want a two-story building then what is built must be the structure that is intended for two floors.

Desain rumah 9x15 Meter 2Lantai
Source Instagram @noman_desainrumah

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Desain rumah 9x15 Meter 2Lantai
Source Instagram @noman_desainrumah

An example is the footplate or what people usually call the chicken claw foundation, but if you are building in a swamp it would be better to use a mixed foundation between footplate and borepile until you find hard soil so that your building does not sink because the contours of swampland are definitely like that.

Desain rumah 9x15 Meter 2Lantai
Source Instagram @noman_desainrumah

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Desain rumah 9x15 Meter 2Lantai
Source Instagram @noman_desainrumah

A comfortable home is having a sakinah, mawadah, and warohman family, even though your building is as big as it is Floor Plan & 135 Sqm Small House Design 9×15 Meter 2Storey 4 Bedrooms but it’s not harmonious for what bro? Yes, right. We hope that the article that ihategreenjello has shared is useful for all of you. Thank you. Wa ‘alaikumussalam warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.


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