112 Sqm Modern House Design 8×14 M 2Storey

Desain rumah 8x14 Meter 2Lantai

Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakaatuh – In all forms of activity, make sure to make a planning table in advance, in this case especially in the construction of private houses, so that the construction can be arranged from step to step starting from land preparation to the finishing process. There will be obstacles in the implementation of … Read more

168 Sqm Modern House Design 12×14 M 2Storey

Desain rumah 12x14 Meter 2Lantai

Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakaatuh – Implementation of planning in making a house is very important and vital, because it determines the purchase of material requirements that must be used in the building, and of course every plan must use specifications that are in accordance with our house later, if the specifications are not appropriate then it … Read more

90 Sqm Small House Design 10×9 M 2Storey

Desain rumah 10x9 Meter 2Lantai

Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakaatuh – In carrying out house construction, apart from having to have good and correct planning, it turns out that you also need supervision or if in large projects it is usually called a supervisory consultant or construction management, but in the construction of your own private house it turns out that supervision … Read more

160 Sqm Modern House Design 8×20 M 2Storey

Desain rumah 8x20 Meter 2Lantai

Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakaatuh – Everything related to construction must be carried out with careful planning and accurate calculations in accordance with the standard of the house to be built, even if the house is small or large, the strength of the structure must be taken into account along with the costs that must be incurred, … Read more

110 Sqm Modern House Design 10×11 M 2Storey

Desain rumah 10x11 Meter 2Lantai

Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakaatuh – Determining the size of the room and the total room at the time of carrying out the planning of the house is very important and must be adjusted to the needs of the room you need so that it must be calculated carefully, so here we will share 110 Sqm House … Read more