120 Sqm Modern House Design 12×10 M 2Storey

Desain rumah 12x10 Meter 2Lantai

Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakaatuh – Implementation of planning in the construction of private houses with small to medium land sizes is still an easy and simple job, because the planning only adjusts to the layout of the room and the selection of materials according to the shape of the building and also the contours of the … Read more

180 Sqm Modern House Design 9×20 M 2Storey

Desain rumah 9x20 Meter 2Lantai

Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakaatuh – In the implementation of development there are important stages, namely planning, physical construction work, and supervision. So, this time we will discuss related to the implementation of construction supervision for private homes or maybe it can also be applied to housing. Before talking more about surveillance, we are also here to … Read more

119 Sqm Small House Design 7×17 M 2Storey

Desain rumah 7x17 Meter 2Lantai

Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakaatuh – In the previous article I discussed the stages of supervision during the construction of a house, now this time we will continue with the stages of carrying out the physical construction of house construction work that focuses on private houses, because of course if a developer is building housing, he must … Read more

162 Sqm Modern House Design 9×18 M 2Storey

Desain rumah 9x18 Meter 2Lantai

Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakaatuh – Some people must have different dream houses, there are people who are sufficient with land that is not too large, there are those who are indeed given more sustenance by Allah SWT to be able to build a house with such large land, but this time we will provide an example … Read more

256 Sqm Modern House Design 16×16 M 2Storey

Desain rumah 16x16 Meter 2Lantai

Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakaatuh – There are several stages that we must really watch over when carrying out the construction of a house, especially your own private house, namely when carrying out the physical construction work of building a house, because in the construction process there will definitely be several opportunities to commit deviations that are … Read more