Best German Love Quotes

Best German Love Quotes and True Love Quotes – Talking about love is interesting. There is happiness and laughter that we can enjoy. There is also sadness and tears that leave it. Every story from falling in love is indeed a main dish that is often consumed and becomes an interesting conversation between us. Because, this world will be dark if without love. Love can make u flight in the sky sometimes can make u down in the earth.

German Love Quotes
Souce Image : Instagram @shumidee

This Love Quotes can be use for your soulmate, husband, wife, girlfriend, boyfriend, bestfriend, and your family too. That’s why i like this love quote.  When i using some of german love quotes in this article for my girlfriend, she is very happy and falling in love and then i …. her hahaha, just kidding bro, don’t be serious.

Read : 173 Best Love Quotes

The German language is not well-sung, but that doesn’t stop the Germans from expressing their love and feelings. A lot of famous German quotes, poems, phrases, and sayings about love have been penned down. Some of them have been listed down in this Ihategreenjello article. Have a German sweetheart? Use one of the following quotes to impress them and sweep them off their feet.

Now, we will indeed talk about falling in love. But, in a different expression. below are some possible expressions or words about love, which can inspire you to rise from sadness or maintain a better relationship. Okay, let’s look at some of the expressions.

German Love Quotes

German | “Ich habe dich auf Millionen verschiedenen Arten angesehen und liebte dich auf jede einzelne.”

English  | “I have looked at you in millionen ways and I have loved u each.”

German | “Ich suche nach dir, in jedem den ich treffe.”

English  | “I look for you in everyone i meet.”

German | “Ich möchte dein Lieblingsor tsein, zu dem du gehst, wenn du einen schlechten oder guten Tag hattest.”

English  | “I want to be your favorite place to go when you’ve had a bad day or good day.”

German | “Ich kümmere mich um deine Gefühle mehr, als um meine eigenen.”

English  | “I care about your feelings than my own.”

German | “Eines Tages wird dich jemand so fest umarmen, dass alle deine gebrochenen Stücke wieder zusammenkommen.”

English  | “One day, Someone is going to hug you so tight, All yout broken pieces will stick right back together.”

German | “Bis der aller letzte Stern in der Galaxie  stirbt , hast du mich.”

English  | “Until every last star in the galaxy dies out, You Have Me.”

German | “Sich in dich zu verlieben, war das Zweitbeste auf der ganzen Welt. Dich zu finden, war das Erste.”

English  | “Falling in love with you is the second best thing in the world. Finding you was the first.”

German | “Ich kann nichts dagegen machen, immer wenn ich an dich denke, lächle ich.”

English  | “I can’t help but always smile when i thinking of you.”

German | “Meine Gedanken sind frei, aber ich bin überrascht, dass sie so oft in deine Richtung gehen.”

English  | “My thoughts are free to go anywhere, but it’s surprising how often they head im your Direction.”

German | “Du ist das  Erste und Letzte an was ich jeden Tag denke.”

English  | “You are the first and last thing on my mind everyday.”

German | “Wer weiß schon, wo wir landen. Ich hoffe nur, ich bin bei dir.”

English  | “Who knows where we we’ll end up, I just hope I’ll be with you.”

German | “Wie kann ich dir nur klar machen, dass du alles bist, was ich jemals wollte.”

English | “How can i make you understand that you are everything I have ever wanted.”

German | “Ein perfekter Mensch existiert vielleicht nicht, aber du bist meine Definition von Perfekt.”

English  | “A Perfect Person may not exist, but you’re my definition of perfect.”

German | “Irgendetwas sagte mir, dass ich dich für immer lieben werde.”

English  | “Something tells me I’m going to love you forever.”

German | “Jede Liebesgeschichte ist wunderschön, aber unsere ist meine liebste.”

English  | “Every love story is beautiful but ours is my favorite.”

German | “Mit dir Erinnerungen zu machen, ist meine Lieblingsbeschäftigung.”

English  | “Making memories with you, is my favorite thing to do.”

German | “Ich verspreche dir zu bleiben, wenn du versprichst, niemals zu gehen.”

English  | “I promise to stay if you promise to never leave.”

 German | “Wie wunderschon ware es, wenn sich jemand in deinen verstand verliebt.”

English  | “How beautiful would it be to find someone who’s in love with your mind.”

In the end, ihategreenjello have arrived at the end of the word about German Love Quotes. Hopefully the words above can inspire anyone who reads them. Remember, love is the answer to all moods and problems in this world.


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