105 Sqm Small House Design 7×15 M 2Storey

105 Sqm Floor Plan House Home Design 7x15

Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakaatuh – In the early stages of building a house, it would be nice for the owner to have a raw concept which can later be submitted directly to the architect or planner, so that the sketching can take place effectively and efficiently in accordance with the time agreed by both parties. As … Read more

90 Sqm Small House Design 6×15 M 2Storey

Desain rumah 6x15 Meter 2Lantai

Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakaatuh – The role of implementing a house construction plan is very important and very vital, if the construction you are doing is carried out based on the planning carried out then what will happen later is that many ideas change that occur during the construction work later, and also in planning it … Read more

72 Sqm Small House Design 6×12 M 2Storey

Desain rumah 6x12 Meter 2Lantai

Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakaatuh – In carrying out the construction we are required to carry out planning in the form of sketching floor plans and making a budget plan, because when making a sketch, the client is required to write down what rooms are needed and how much in total must be on the sketch so … Read more

182 Sqm Modern House Design 14×13 M 2Storey

Desain rumah 14x13 Meter 2Lantai

Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakaatuh – Several stages that must be carried out in construction must be carried out sequentially, so that later in the physical construction work it can be in accordance with what is written in the RAB and in accordance with the drawings that have been sketched along with detailed specifications for the materials … Read more

200 Sqm Modern House Design 10×20 M 2Storey

Desain rumah 10x20 Meter 2Lantai

Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakaatuh – In several development planning processes, usually each client has different views on the house he has to build, some want a lot of rooms but have a small area, some are the other way around, namely wanting a few rooms but having a very wide width and length. So, on this … Read more