170 Sqm Modern House Design 10×17 M 1Floors

Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakaatuh – Building a private house would be better using better materials one level or two levels above the standard, why? Because the house that we live in is so that it has a quality that is sturdy and strong, and also has good quality paint in hot or rainy conditions. But instead of that time we also focus on 170 Sqm House Design 10×17 Minimalist complete with models and sketches per room.

Desain rumah 10x17 Meter 1Lantai
Source Instagram @archiputra_desain

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170 Sqm House Design and Floor Plan 10×17 Meter 1Floors & 3 Bedrooms + Rooftop

Desain rumah 10x17 Meter 1Lantai
Source Instagram @archiputra_desain

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170 Sqm House Plan 10×17 Meters What is sketched is basically still racing against the wishes or expectations of the owner, after we know how many total rooms we want and where they are located, we just have to combine them with the standard area of ​​the room.

Desain rumah 10x17 Meter 1Lantai
Source Instagram @archiputra_desain

Read More : 126 Sqm Modern House Design 9×14 Meter 1Floors 4 Bedrooms + Rooftop

Because surely each room has its own standards, but what needs to be considered is that we have to know the basic area of ​​the land to be built so that we can adjust the width and length of each room so that we can meet the space requirements of the house.

Desain rumah 10x17 Meter 1Lantai
Source Instagram @archiputra_desain

170 Sqm Home Design 10×17 Meters

Desain rumah 10x17 Meter 1Lantai
Source Instagram @archiputra_desain

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170 Sqm Home Design 10×17 Meters which is made and rendered in 3 dimensions must have gone through various stages of revision and consultation between the two parties, be it from the client or owner as well as the planner or architect. Because indeed in the construction of the house we must have good communication so that there is no miscommunication.

Desain rumah 10x17 Meter 1Lantai
Source Instagram @archiputra_desain

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Good communication is not only between the owner and the architect, but also between the owner and the supervisor and the construction workers, so that the implementation of the construction can be monitored properly and in accordance with the initial plan and using the materials specified in the budget plan.

Desain rumah 10x17 Meter 1Lantai
Source Instagram @archiputra_desain

Read More : 112 Sqm Small House Design 7×16 Meter 1Floors 3 Bedrooms

Desain rumah 10x17 Meter 1Lantai
Source Instagram @archiputra_desain

well looks luxurious and unique right? Floor Plan & 170 Sqm Modern House Design 10×17 Meter 1Floors 3 Bedrooms + Rooftop. We hope that the article that ihategreenjello has shared is useful for all of you. Thank you. Wa ‘alaikumussalam warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. wabarakatuh.


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