162 Sqm Modern House Design 9×18 M 2Storey

Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakaatuh – Some people must have different dream houses, there are people who are sufficient with land that is not too large, there are those who are indeed given more sustenance by Allah SWT to be able to build a house with such large land, but this time we will provide an example of a sketch of 162 Sqm House Design 9×18 Meter Minimalist in whose house there is a very private indoor swimming pool and can be used by relatives without outsiders knowing about it.

Desain rumah 9x18 Meter 2Lantai
Source Instagram @noman_desainrumah

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162 Sqm House Design and Floor Plan 9×18 Meter 2Storey & 4 Bedrooms + Swimming Pool

Desain rumah 9x18 Meter 2Lantai
Source Instagram @noman_desainrumah

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162 Sqm House Plan 9×18 Meters what you can see in the picture above has a swimming pool in the back of the house, and what is certain is that the swimming pool requires light from above so that the castings for the 2nd floor do not reach the swimming pool area.

Desain rumah 9x18 Meter 2Lantai
Source Instagram @noman_desainrumah

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If you are curious, making a swimming pool requires quite a large amount of money, friend, because it goes through a long process starting from excavation, making a complex drainage system, to finishing which must ensure that no components leak or seep into the ground, because if there is If there is a leak, there must be a work item that is cracked or has holes, friend.

162 Sqm Home Design 9×18 Meters

Desain rumah 9x18 Meter 2Lantai
Source Instagram @noman_desainrumah

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162 Sqm Home Design 9×18 Meters certainly looks luxurious and modern, because indeed the budget to make even this house is very large and quite fantastic, especially in making the swimming pool, and it takes a long time because it goes through a lot of processes.

Desain rumah 9x18 Meter 2Lantai
Source Instagram @noman_desainrumah

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Desain rumah 9x18 Meter 2Lantai
Source Instagram @noman_desainrumah

In addition to making a swimming pool which costs a lot, it turns out that maintenance also requires a lot of money, because the water filter will definitely never stop and will have an effect on electricity costs and government water costs (if you use a well, then the burden on government water costs will change to an electricity cost because using a sanyo pump that never stops).

Desain rumah 9x18 Meter 2Lantai
Source Instagram @noman_desainrumah

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Desain rumah 9x18 Meter 2Lantai
Source Instagram @noman_desainrumah

So, how do you understand the difficulty of maintaining a house that has a swimming pool like Floor Plan & 162 Sqm Modern House Design 9×18 Meter 2Storey 4 Bedrooms + Swimming Pool. We hope that the article that ihategreenjello has shared is useful for all of you. Thank you. Wa ‘alaikumussalam warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.


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