136 Sqm Small House Design 8×17 M 2Storey

Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakaatuh – In planning for the construction of a house, it can actually be done by means of a rough calculation, you can usually detail these rough details yourself or with the help of a craftsman who does your own workman, because you have a limited budget, inevitably you have to be active in making your own sketches and also carrying out price details and carrying out supervision during the process of building the house. So here we will help with planning issues from sketches 136 Sqm House Design 8×17 Meter Minimalist.

Desain rumah 8x17 Meter 2Lantai
Source Instagram @noman_desainrumah

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136 Sqm House Design and Floor Plan 8×17 Meter 2Storey & 5 Bedrooms

Desain rumah 8x17 Meter 2Lantai
Source Instagram @noman_desainrumah

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136 Sqm House Plan 8×17 Meter This is a sketch made by an architect, because it looks very clear that this is using a supporting computer application such as AutoCAD or SketchUp, but if you are definitely new to it, it’s better if the budget is minimal, my advice is to make it using a ballpoint pen or pencil sketched on paper.

Desain rumah 8x17 Meter 2Lantai
Source Instagram @noman_desainrumah

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It aims to reduce costs that you can do yourself, some options are that you can search the internet for any plans that match the area of ​​your house, but if one is suitable but the layout is not suitable then you can observe, imitate, then modify friend.

Desain rumah 8x17 Meter 2Lantai
Source Instagram @noman_desainrumah

136 Sqm Home Design 8×17 Meters

Desain rumah 8x17 Meter 2Lantai
Source Instagram @noman_desainrumah

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Due to sketching 136 Sqm Home Design 8×17 Meter this uses a computer that has high specifications, so another way for you to give an idea to the builders is to search the internet, friend, here we are talking about minimal money management because you are unable to work with the architect, friend.

Desain rumah 8x17 Meter 2Lantai
Source Instagram @noman_desainrumah

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Desain rumah 8x17 Meter 2Lantai
Source Instagram @noman_desainrumah

My advice is that you really have to search and browse on the internet, make sure there are lots of references to model houses that you can find, now print the design then give it to the builders who build it, but if you have two choices then print both of them then you can combine or choose one.

Desain rumah 8x17 Meter 2Lantai
Source Instagram @noman_desainrumah

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Desain rumah 8x17 Meter 2Lantai
Source Instagram @noman_desainrumah

So you can plan the construction of your own home so that it becomes as luxurious as Floor Plan & 136 Sqm Small House Design 8×17 Meter 2Storey 5 Bedrooms. We hope that the article that ihategreenjello has shared is useful for all of you. Thank you. Wa ‘alaikumussalam warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.


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